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ISBN 979-8-9858571-2-2_ La Guerrera Mmajjica y el Carrusel Encantado.jpeg

La Guerrera Mmajjica y el Carrusel Encantado

By Carol Di Prima

Translator: Wendy Feliz

Language: Spanish

Publisher: Carol Di Prima

Distributor: IngramSpark

Pub Date: May 15, 2025

Paperback ISBN: 979-8-9858571-2-2 


La Guerrera Mmajjica y el Carrusel Encantado

En la búsqueda por encontrar al culpable de esparcir rumores maliciosos sobre su padre, Laura enfrenta situaciones peligrosas junto a sus dos mejores amigos. Durante sus aventuras, Lily aparece misteriosamente desde una dimensión desconocida para proteger a Laura, quien solo tiene 12 años. Después de varias intervenciones se hace evidente que, aunque Lily parece una anciana común y corriente, tiene poderes extraordinarios. Laura también descubre que Lily tiene un enemigo llamado Nnogarth. Este ser malvado quiere evitar que la anciana la proteja y destruirla por razones que solo Lily conoce.


Nnogarth no se detendrá ante nada para atrapar a Laura. Por eso, secuestra a su hermano menor Andy y lo lleva a su campamento militar en otra dimensión. Laura le ruega a Lily que le permita acompañarla para rescatarlo. Sin embargo, Lily debe llevarla antes a la tierra del carrusel encantado para convertirla en una guerrera Mmajjica. 
Es ahí donde la vida de Laura cambia a través de situaciones que le otorgan habilidades extraordinarias. Además, aprende que tiene una misión que cumplir planificada desde otra vida con E’ELA, que significa Eterna Energía de Luz y Amor.


About the Translator



Wendy Feliz_Translator_Mmajjian Warrior.jpeg

Wendy Feliz is a translator, transcriber, writer, and educator of the Spanish language. She specializes in literary and technical translations.  Born in the Dominican Republic, she moved to New York City at an early age, bringing in her suitcase not only her belongings, but also a desire for cultures and literature. She is well-traveled throughout Latin America and Europe aiding in her awareness of the culture, politics, and history. 
Feliz has worked on technical translations for various companies and nonprofit organizations and has worked on the translations of literary works for writers and poets as well as transcriptions for literary works in progress. Wendy obtained her B.A. in Latin American Literature and Linguistics at The Ohio State University, where she developed her skills in Hispanic Linguistics with dialectology, language in contact, and sociolinguistics.  She also obtained an M.A. in Latin American Literature and Culture from St. John’s University in New York City, studying literary works from pre-Columbian times to the 20th century. She is a citizen of the world who looks to bring down the barricades of language and cultures through the word and the pen, the most powerful weapons the world has ever had.


The Mmajjian Warrior and The Enchanted Carousel by Carol Di Prima (La Guerrera Mmajjica y el Carrusel Encantado) is Feliz’ first translated YA Fantasy Fiction novel.


About the Editor



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José R. Pagán is a Puerto Rican journalist who has worked for 25 years as a content creator in print and digital media in Puerto Rico and several cities in the United States. He holds a bachelor's degree in Journalism and a master's degree in Media and Contemporary Culture from Sacred Heart University. He published a guide to canine euthanasia entitled A Compassionate End and wrote The Legacy of a Hard Worker, a collection of family memoirs. The Mmajjian Warrior and The Enchanted Carousel by Carol Di Prima (La Guerrera Mmajjica y el Carrusel Encantado) is Feliz’ first translated YA Fantasy Fiction novel. He currently resides in San Antonio, Texas.


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